Friday has rolled around yet again! That means the weekend is here, I can relax and hang out with Lilly, AND it’s casual Friday at work. I’m not sure if you read my most recent post, but I talked about how Wednesdays and Fridays are my favorite. Friday’s are the last day of the work week and it’s when it initially hits you that “Yes, I can relax.”
I also love Friday’s because it’s casual Friday so I don’t have to try as hard to look professional. In the summer time they are a little more lenient which is awesome. So instead of going out today, I decided I’m going to relax. It’s my dad’s birthday tomorrow (a whopping 56!) and him and my mom are going to Boston, soooo we are celebrating when he comes home after work today which will be around 1 a.m. My dad works the graveyard shift, meaning he goes to work around 3 and comes home at 1 a.m. Growing up it was hard because what little girl (because let’s face it dad favors the daughter most of the time) doesn’t want to see her dad? This little girl missed her dad and only saw him on the weekends. It was hard but we made due. Then I started working at I think 14 I can’t remember, whatever is the legal age limit to work in NJ. So I worked on weekends and now I never saw my dad. However, I will say when I played soccer (football for us Europeans) my dad was the best cheerleader ever haha. He went to every home game and cheered us on like it was the last thing he was doing in his life. So the least I can do today is stay home and stay up until he gets home to give him his cake, Boston cream donuts, and present.
As for my outfit of the day, very simple and actually the skirt is very, very, very old. I think from high school actually. Here are a few pictures.
Scarf: Present from one of our locations at work
Top: Ralph Lauren
Belt: Vintage
Skirt: The Gap
Ring: Forever 21
Cuff: Jewel Mint
Bag: Gucci, I know sorry I keep wearing it!
Thanks for reading! Short post have to do some stuff before Dad gets home!
xoxo Moniczka
The scarf, skirt, and shoes are all to my liking. I also love that handbag and those rings.
Thanks so much!
Seriously, I LOVE the colors in that outfit! I feel like you would be happy simply 'cause you're wearing it!
Aw Thank you so much!!