Do those outfits look familiar? You can find them at Lucky FABB Day 1, Lucky FABB Day 2, and a work outfit. These are all part of my Target Challenge as well. See how much I bought at Target? Insane I know! First of all I have way too many dresses in my closet, but what’s the difference if I get more, right? I love dresses because it is easy to transition them from colder weather to warmer weather. Now you know what I wore to Lucky FABB, that’s right I wore Target. No one would have ever guessed. The white dress I wore after Lucky FABB but that dress was definitely a contestant for the Lucky FABB outfit. I don’t have a great picture of the first dress but it has a horse print on it and a peter pan collar. Next time I wear it I’ll get a better picture. Both the leopard print and horse print dress were a hit at Lucky FABB. I was quite proud to say I got them at Target.
These dresses have already been worn again so you can tell how much I love them.
Well this concludes my Target Outfit Challenge I gave myself! If you missed any of the outfits click below or click the Target Challenge at the bottom of this post!
Thank you!