Blazer: Burberry Ewa Bazaar // Scarf: Zara // Hat: Ralph Lauren // Boots: Franco Sarto (Famous Footwear old)
Folks, I bought my first thing from Zara ever! I bought it from my blogger bestie Ellen’s eBay store. On Saturday NJ got hit with yet some more snow. I really live in the wrong state because I can’t handle all of this snow! Regardless I decided to take advantage of the snow and take pictures of my outfit for that day. I decided to wear all black everything, AND add some gray and leopard. Definitely loving this whole ensemble and that blazer is amazing. It’s Burberry and it also has some pretty awesome shoulders. You can find that blazer in this store.
I really hope this weather starts to warm up soon, don’t get me wrong the snow makes for good pictures but I am totally missing summer! I was listening to some of my summer songs in the car the other day and was just imagining that it was warm while there was a bunch of snow and it was in the negatives. Bob Marley was of course one of them. How could you not think of summer when you hear Could you be loved?
I hope it starts warming up too *knock on wood*. I hate the snow and winter, yet I moved farther north (from MD to PA)- I make no sense. Love this outfit!
Your first Zara scarf is gorgeous and look amazing against the whole-black. What a chic and modern look. The pictures with the snow are incredibly cute, Monica. =)
These photos are so gorgeous! Wow! Love the look and the pretty snow! Love Zara.
Dawn Lucy
The snow pictures turned out perfectly! The solid black with a leopard scarf is so classic. Love it!
Isn't Zara amazing? I discovered the store while studying abroad in Paris as an undergrad in 2008. I went insane at their summer sale! Love 'em! Love these photos as well! The crazy snow looks so magical!
: signe : the daily savant :
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Wow! These pictures are fabulous, but I totally can relate to wanting warmer weather. I don't have any Zara stores where I live, but I just found out that there is one only a few minutes from my daughter's home in Illinois, so I plan on checking it out when I visit her next month.
You made a great choice! I remember my first item from there ever was a blush-ish pink moto jacket! 🙂 You should really check out Zara's season sales! The prices get sooo goood! I got two tops and jeans for $35 earlier this year. 🙂
Welcome! I do believe ZARA is nice in the world of faction. I hope you will enjoy!
Really pretty pictures in the snow! I love all of the black and then your amazing leopard scarf! Looks great… I imagine you will be buying more from Zara, I love their stuff.
stop by when you can, jess
The scarf looks amazing on you! I'm obsessed with Zara and am sure after purchasing this lovely accessory you'll be craving for more!
I'm so over this snow too! Definitely need either a vacation or summer ASAP. Congrats on buying your first Zara piece, the scarf certainly is lovely. Stay warm 😉 Best, ican'taffordmylifestyle
Hello sweetie!
Amazing photos! You look like a snow queen!
Maggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
You look freaking fabulous! I ordered my first thing from Zara about a year ago, such great stuff!!
What stunning photos and how awesome to buy this scarf from eBay. I have a few items from Zara but not much because the cut does not suit me well. They do offer some great styles!
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
Nice tiger spotted towel.
These photos are stunning, and this look is perfect.
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