Ok, so you might be looking at this post and asking why I put 1 on Friday instead of 5 on Friday which is my usual post on Fridays. Well, I will only be talking about one thing that happened this week because it pretty much consumed this whole entire week. I was involved in a car accident Tuesday night after my Pole Dancing class. It was about 7:45 p.m. when my world stopped and chaos started. I was at a full stop at a red light on Route 15 (it’s a highway in NJ), when all of the sudden out of nowhere I see headlights for a split second and BOOM. I don’t know for sure but I feel like they were going full speed which is 50mph. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were going to go straight through the red light, so my car might have saved their lives. My instant reaction was anger because I had a birthday to go to, it was Joey’s (boyfriend) dad’s birthday. I said are you kidding me with a bunch of bad words mixed in there and then that’s when the shock kicked in. I went into full panic mode because I smelled something I got nervous. When I looked in my rear view I didn’t see anyone trying to get out of the car (which I thought was a little ridiculous, they hit ME, they should come see if I’m ok but that’s just the anger talking) so I got my phone and dialed 911. I’ve never dialed those 3 numbers before. Within about 2 minutes I heard sirens coming from all angles. There were police officers, rescue squad, and the fire department. I must say I was quite impressed with how quickly help showed up. At this point I had already called my parents and my boyfriend who were on their way.
As soon as the officer came to my window it was instant tears. I think it’s because I was so emotional with how genuinely worried another human being was about me. I was in a lot of pain and was afraid of passing out because I was hyperventilating. The rescue squad instantly came into my car and asked me typical questions. While the rescue squad and fire department was trying to get me out of my car onto the body board, the police officer was getting my personal things together and telling me not to move he will take care of everything. As soon as they got me on the stretcher I heard my dad call out “Misia.” I instantly felt a bit of relief. Misia is pronounced Misha and it’s just my nickname in Polish. When I got to the hospital I was there for almost 6 hours. They did tests and everything came out ok, I just had whiplash and they said I’d probably feel pain for a while, well you know the saying I feel like I got hit by a bus. Yea, that is how I’ve been feeling.
Now, the question people asked after I told them how I feel; how is your car? Well, everyone was saying that my car is most likely totaled. The car that hit me went underneath my car and we were worried that the chastity was donezo and it’s a convertible (hard top) so the alignment might have been messed up BUT, I got some good news yesterday. The phone call from the shop who did the assessment said that my car is going to be fixed! I was so excited because I LOVE this car. It will take some time to fix and a lot of money, but at least both myself and my car will be back to normal soon!
I wanted to take the time to thank some people. First and foremost Volvo. I cannot say enough great things about Volvo. Everyone throughout the whole night and experience kept saying you know they do say Volvo is the safest car. I heard it from the rescue squad, firefighters, the hospital, car insurance, rental car company, AND the shop. Volvo has definitely lived up to their expectations and then some with being the safest car. Not only did they live up to their expectations but they built an amazing beast of a car. For that kind of impact to happen and for the car to be fixable and not totaled is astonishing. I even tweeted Volvo and said how I unfortunately experienced why everyone says Volvo is the safest car and thank you for building a car that did its job. They tweeted me back! I cannot believe they did and how fast they did it. I was impressed and happy with Volvo the day I got her, but honestly I’m just in shock with how they reach out to their customers. Thank you Volvo for your cars (which my family is now on their 5th Volvo haha) and that you cared enough to tweet me back.
Next I want to thank Jefferson Township Police Department, Fire Department, and Rescue Squad. I truly felt that I was in good hands. Y’all came to the scene within less than 5 minutes and you made me feel so much better. I felt safe and as panicked as I was, I was also impressed with how all of you handled the situation.
I want to take the time to thank my family and friends. My dad did all of the calling and paperwork for the insurance since he’s on my policy and he stayed with my car while I was rushed to the hospital. Thank you to my mom who came to my side to help me emotionally. You make everything better with just your presence but that might be because a bond between a mother and her child is unexplainable. Thank you to my boyfriend and his family for being there for me. All of my friends and coworkers who contacted me, y’all are amazing for reaching out to me. The amount of people who contacted me made me truly feel loved.
Now, for the next few weeks until my car is finished this is the rental that I will be using. The Chevy Malibu. So far I’m liking it but I really want my Volvo back 🙁
So glad you are ok!
Wow. So glad to hear you're ok but what a scary experience! Glad your car can be fixed too! I know how you feel, I love my car too so I'd be so sad if I had to get rid of it. Hope you're feeling better soon girl!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
That is so scary! I am glad that you are okay!
Wow! That must have been really scary. Glad you are okay and that you will eventually get your car back!
I'm so glad you are all right!!! What a scary experience.
Jaymie xo
I'm so glad you are all right!!! What a scary experience.
Jaymie xo
Oh no, that's not good. But on the flip side you are ok and their insurance hopefully they have a good one should take care of your car. So sorry to read this. I also wondered why 1 for Friday until i read the post. I'm pretty sure you are in pain from the whiplash. Feel better darling.
Whoa. I'm so glad you're okay!! That's terrifying!