Ok, so, I had to do a throwback for today to keep the Halloween theme going. The above was my pink crayon outfit from last year. I think this was the closest thing to having a scandalous Halloween costume ever in my life. I was usually covered up. I always got creative with my costumes. Take a look at the rest of the costume ideas below! most of these are taken with my cell phone so bare with me on the picture quality.
This is from my Orphan Black theme from a few months ago. Here is the original post and it has links to all of the original posts for each clone from Orphan Black.
Now the above two pictures are from my favorite looks. I always loved being a 50’s pinup. There’s something so fun about being a pinup. These two are from two years ago. The first one was how I dressed to work and the second one was for my actual Halloween celebration. The original link for these costumes is here.
This was Poison Ivy. I actually did a tutorial for this DIY dress and hair piece, here. Hope you enjoyed all of these ideas!
Don’t forget to check out this week’s Halloween theme and last week’s Weird NJ/Ghost Story theme!
Halloween Theme:
Creepy Theme:
You did such a fantastic job with the glittery rainbow eyelashes. You are the perfect Hot Pink Crayon and hey I love those thigh-high stockings. Also, the Poison Ivy costume is too cute. You always do an outstanding job with Halloween costumes.
Hope you had a great Halloween! Welcome by. <3 Ada.