Hey Everyone! For today’s blog post I wanted to show you my Fall Makeup Tutorial. Ok, I know what you’re thinking I’m extremely late to the party. Unfortunately for me I got so crazy busy and completely forgot about this tutorial! The great part is, is that it’s not just for fall. You can wear this makeup right now during the holiday season that’s why I added the holiday season part to the title. This can also be a grunge makeup tutorial since it has the darker colored lips. I absolutely love the dark lip trend, I’m not a huge fan of grunge (probably because I was born in the 80’s and grew up in the 90’s so I’m feeling a little old seeing younger girls wearing what I wore lol) the style, but I love the makeup because it’s all dark and almost gothic. I was a little punk rocker so it speaks to my inner rebel haha. Anyway, this was my first time using YouTube’s video editor since I’ve been switching computers so let me know what you think!
ohh, look at this beautiful color!
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