When you say “SEO,” most have no idea what you are talking about. This post is all about SEO – what is it, why is it beneficial, and should you learn it yourself, or not.
What is SEO?
So, let’s get down to the basics – What does SEO even stand for? SEO stands for search engine optimization. When you look up “What is SEO?” on Google, it says: “search engine optimization.” And then, when you look up “Search Engine Optimization,” these results come up: “the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.”
To break that down for you, search engine optimization, or SEO is the practice of gaining more (and better) traffic to your website through organic searches by improving your rank on Google and other search engines. An example of an organic search is when someone gets on Google (or Yahoo, or Bing, etc.) and needs an answer to a question. Once they find an article that can answer that question, they click it to read about it.
How do you improve your rank?
There are many ways to implement SEO into your website and it would take weeks or even longer to explain each one in detail, but a few ways to improve your rank on search engines is by increasing your site speed, creating great content, using meta descriptions, and adding alt text on your images. This is just the very beginning of search engine optimization, but it is a good start!
Why is SEO beneficial?
Search engine optimization is extremely beneficial to anyone that has a website, business and/or blog. If you are on page one of Google, you are much more likely to get ‘found’ by readers compared to being on page five or six. For you, this equation is simple. Great content + increased traffic = more opportunities and sales.
RIght now, online marketing is the way to go. More and more people are picking up their phones, laptops and tablets compared to picking up magazines, newspapers and books (that have ads in them, of course). This leads to very few read advertisements without internet based marketing in the mix. Adding in SEO and online marketing gives you the best chances (almost a guaranteed chance) of having your readership increase.
Should you learn SEO yourself?
Yes and no. I always believe in being educated about what you are doing to your website and in your business, but at the same time, I feel like you could use your time better. Even if you learned all of the nitty gritty about SEO and online marketing, would you even have time to spend on it each day? This is where SEO NJ comes in. NJ SEO has many services (social media marketing, advanced web analytics, search engine optimization, email marketing, content strategy, and pay-per-click marketing) for all of your marketing and SEO needs. NJ SEO offers their professional services to help increase their clients organic search score in order to compete for the highest rankings on search engines, even when you are using highly competitive keywords. They take a holistic approach, with their main focus and emphasis on conversions. “Generating new traffic is important, but converting that traffic is critical. Our full service search engine marketing plan and execution, coupled with website tweaks or redesign will ensure you reach ultra targeted traffic, with the highest contact rates in your industry whether phone call or contact form requests.” When you give business to NJ SEO, you are not just giving business to “any company.” You are giving your business to a family-run, veteran owned business. NJ SEO has branches in Atlanta and New Jersey, opened by Matt Anton and Dan Anton. Matt Anton was the previous online marketing manager for Liberty Travel, where he managed a 250k marketing budget each month. He has many reviews and testimonials as well as 100+ endorsements and recommendations here.
Although learning the basics of SEO and online marketing is important for any business or website owner, leaving it to the pros is always extremely helpful so that you can focus on what is most important: running your business and putting out great content.
Search engine optimization is important for anyone that runs a website, so I really hope this article helped you learn something new today!
Great article,thank you for the sharing.
Personal website:justvirginghair
Great intro to SEO! I actually work as an SEO account manager 🙂