Dear Lilly Savannah,
I know you obviously can’t read this because you’re a dog, but if you could, here is a letter to you.
Oh Lilly. I haven’t posted about you in quite some time, but I wanted to wish you a very happy birthday. You came into my life 6 years ago today, and since we don’t know how old you really are, or when your birthday really is, I decided a long time ago that we would celebrate your birthday today. Today, 6 years ago is when you started a new life (and the vet said you were probably about two years old). You were taken out of that shelter and I can’t even believe how far you’ve come from that day. For about a week when I first got you, you refused to eat and I had to force feed you and force you to drink water. You wouldn’t even touch a slice of ham. The day I took you home you had utters because of how many litters you were illegally bred to have, you were infested with ticks, and you were only 14lbs. The vet said that you needed to gain some weight and that 5-10lbs would be ok. Well, nowadays you’ve gained more than what the doctor ordered so you’ll be going on a diet lol. You were so afraid of everything that you would stay in the same spot all day long and rarely ever came out. I knew you would come around in time.
I’ll never forget the day when you finally came around lol. I wanted to cry that day and I was so mad at you, but I was secretly happy that you finally felt comfortable in your own home. I remember coming home to you greeting me at the door for the first time with fluff hanging out of your mouth. As soon as I saw the fluff I knew something had gone terribly wrong because you did not touch any of your toys that entire first week. I definitely, was not prepared to see what you did to the apartment, and my clothes and shoes. That was the day that you got into the kitchen and bathroom garbage (how you got into the cabinet for the kitchen garbage is beyond me), you went to the bathroom in every room, you ate my shoes, bras, clothes, etc. You ate the carpet, the blinds, and my Easter candy and chocolate I got from my mom. I still can’t believe you were able to get on the table, break through the wrapping of the basket, and then break through the wrapping of the chocolate and peeps, but somehow you did. That was the same day I found out you weren’t allergic to chocolate, and that you could basically eat garbage and be totally fine.
It’s been 6 years since you came into my life. 6 years ago you rescued me the same way I rescued you. If it wasn’t for you and your love I don’t think I would have been able to overcome the life changing event that would happen just a few weeks later. You made all the pain and suffering worth it. Coming home to you was what made this thing called life worth it. Now, I come home to you and your younger sister Zero. You’ve become quite the older sister, and I can now see you starting to slow down and become an older senior dog. You still run just as fast, if not faster than Zero, but you definitely don’t want to play as much as you used to. You are Queen B of this little family of ours and I love how you let Zero love you. You’ve taught her how to be a dog, and how to overcome whatever traumatizing obstacles both of you faced in your lives before you had a real home. You’ve taught her that this is a loving home and both of you love your humans more than life itself. I am forever grateful to have the love that both of you give us. Humans don’t deserve dogs.
Happy 8th birthday my love.
Love always,
xoxo Monica
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Happy Birthday to Lilly! She looks like such a sweetie! We just celebrated our dog William’s 6th birthday on Sunday!
Aww, Happy Birthday to William!
Cuties! Happy birthday to her xx
Thank you!
I love this so much Monica. I have four dogs myself and I love them all to bits. This letter has made my morning. Happy Birthday little Lilly – have a wonderful day celebrating the day you rescued each other xx
Aww thank you! I have two currently, and one at my parents. He was my birthday present many years ago, but since I was always at school or working he ended up getting attached to my mom, so he’s technically my mom’s haha. He’s the oldest.
What a lovely tribute, so lovely to have a little doggie to love. My Roxy is my little baby – she’s nearly 14, but oh well. Always by my side and is a good listener – lol. Thanks for sharing this Hun and wishing you happy times together. Jacqui Mummabstylish
My family dog is going to be 13 this July, so he’s getting old too. Still acts like a puppy though! They get so funny when they get older. And yes, the are such good listeners haha.
Too adorable! Happy Birthday to your pup!
xx, Chanda |
Thank you!
This is such a sweet post! Happy Birthday to your cute pooch. Thanks for the link up!
Thank you so much!
Aw, Monica, this is such a precious post! It is amazing the impact that our pets can have on our lives! I swear that my cats saved my life on many occasions when I was in the deep spiral of Bipolar Disorder. Today is my youngest son’s 5th birthday,too! It’s a great day for birthdays! Happy Birthday, Lilly!
Thank you Shelbee! Happy birthday to your son!
Happy Birthday Lilly Savannah! I hope you have a wonderful day today and make sure your Mama spoils you rotten! 😜 Don’t take no for an answer! At least for today. Lol 😂 Here’s to a marvelous day little friend and to a spectacular year ahead!
Maureen |
Haha, her and her sister are getting doggy ice cream later on after we sing her Happy Birthday. She is totally getting spoiled today!
Aren’t they the best? I’m really convinced they make us better people.
It shows a wonderful heart to rescue animals and to give them love!!
Happiest of birthdays to Lilly!!
Yes, they definitely are! I agree, both her and her sister have definitely made me a better person. I had two pure bred dogs growing up and then I started rescuing. There’s nothing wrong with having a pure bred or rescuing, I know some people will refuse to get a dog from a breeder. I mean, I can understand “backyard breeders” because those are a little different than legitimate breeders. Wow, I rambled haha.
Happy Birthday Lily! You’re so right…dogs are the best! We are currently dogless and thinking about getting another one! I think I need the company!
Thank you! And, yea I don’t think I’ll ever be able to be dogless. I went dogless for some time and it’s just not the same.
Aww, this made me a little teary! Happy birthday to Lily, and I’m glad she’s brought so much joy to your life (and you to hers)!
Cheryl Shops |
Aww, I didn’t mean to make anyone teary eyed! Thank you 🙂
What a sweet post! Happy Birthday Lilly!
Thank you!
Happy birthday Lilly Savannah! She is so lucky to have found a loving home 🙂
Emma xxx
Thank you so much!
So sweet! Happy Birthday Lilly!
xo Jules
Thank you!
Aww happy birthday to your lilly – she is adorable. It’s crazy how time flies. We have a Chi and she will be 10 this year.
Xx, Nailil
Thank you and happy almost birthday to your Chi!
Nice and perfect looking outfit..