Warning: You are about to see adorable pictures of farm animals! This is absolute cuteness overload.
So on Sunday while the fiance and I were taking blogging pictures I noticed two little goats and of course I asked if we could stop to pet them on the way out and he told me no. I’m pretty sure the look on my face was of pure disgust and wondering if marrying him is worth it hahahaha. Once he saw how sad I was he reassured me that he was taking me to see LOTS of goats. Well, he took me to see donkeys, a horse, a pony, sheep, goats, bunnies, chickens, and ducks. It was the best day ever and I talked about it all day, and I’m still smiling. The lady behind the counter said I can come whenever I want haha.
These two little donkeys were fighting over who got a carrot first haha.
Yo, lady, gimme that carrot!
This dude was one happy little goat once he got some noms.
I’m afraid of getting on a horse, but the more and more I see them and realize they are gentle giants, the more I think I’m ready to get on one. This little guy became an instant friend of mine when we got there.
My dad promised me a pony when I was little. I never got it. At least my adult self can drive myself to see some ponies haha.
This adorable guy came
And then the baby came too! DAY MADE!
And then, after feeding and petting the animals we got some burgers, homemade ice cream, and apple pie. It was the absolute best day ever.
A lot of people do not realize that as much as I love a lot of outrageous things, I do love the simple things more. I would choose a day petting and feeding animals on a farm over some fancy dinner in the city any day. I like simple, and I like quiet. I just really love animals to be completely honest. Even though I know these animals came over to me because they wanted food, it was still awesome to be able to pet them. Next farm stop will be an Alpaca farm (I hope hehe). I know this isn’t my usual post, but I just had to share my time at Alstede Farms in Chester, NJ. I’ve been here before, and they have fun events all year round.
xoxo Monica
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This is a great post and you did warn upfront, but cuteness overload! Love seeing all these animal so happy and happy with food! True love right there! Lol 😂 So glad you had a great time because it looked like a lot of fun. Just being one with nature is truly priceless.
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com