I know that this posts looks like it’s a sponsored post by M&M’s, but it definitely isn’t. Those are just my favorite go to chocolate candies. To be honest, I’m not a huge chocolate fan. I know, I know, you’re probably gasping. I prefer other sweets and candies over chocolate. Anyway, this post is all about cheat days and the importance of them.
Now I know what you’re thinking, how can I possibly talk about cheat days when I’m not eating 100% clean anymore. However, I was eating clean, and was extremely strict about this. When I lost 41 lbs it was very rare that I ate anything outside of my diet on the weekends. I was slightly obsessive because I was so determined to lose a lot of weight. Well, since I lost that 41 lbs I’ve gained back about 15 lbs. The reason why, is because I was so strict. Now, I have down another diet since then and lost the 15 lbs that I gained, but it came back. Now I’m happy and I’m eating healthy, but I’m not as restricted. I think it also helps that I’m constantly on my feet at work so I’m moving around a lot. The one recommendation that I have to anyone who is dieting, having a cheat day is important. If you’re truly afraid of getting off track, have a cheat meal or a cheat snack. I feel like if you are too restrictive it can do more harm than good. Unless, of course, you have extremely great self control and you aren’t a huge fan of junk foods.
Another reason why I think cheat days are important because you’re reminded of why you’re eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle. Junk food just makes you feel like crap. I still feel it now, even with not dieting and just eating healthier and not restricting myself. Whenever I have something like pizza or takeout, I still feel terrible. I blow up like a balloon from all the bloat and then I just feel sluggish for a day or two.
Everyone is different, but I truly believe that having cheat days is important. You need to allow yourself to indulge every once in a while. TREAT YOSELF!
xoxo Monica
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Cute graphic tee! And who doesn’t love M&Ms!! I think cheat days are important because it helps with our mental psyche. I know it helps me. Having a cheat meal doesn’t mean I splurge, it just means I reward myself for my hard work. Plus, it’s something to look forward to which makes healthy eating that much more worthwhile.
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com