Jacket:Â Ethyl // Top:Â Ethyl // Pants:Â Ethyl
I have quite a few quotes that are my favorites and today I want to share some of those with you and what they mean to me. Also, it’s only Tuesday, so I’m sure some people need some inspiration to get through the week.
“I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.” Kurt Cobain
This is one of my favorite quotes. The reason being, is, for a long time I was trying to be someone I was not. I was trying so hard to fit in. I just wanted to be liked that I was ok with losing myself. Then I finally realized that I am the way I am, and if people don’t like it, at least I’m being true to myself. Of course we all want to be liked, but at the same time, you MUST be yourself. I’d rather be known as a weirdo, than a sheep.
“The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn.”
We are always taught not to burn bridges. Oftentimes this is true, however, sometimes we have to burn that bridge. It has to be something that we do not cross over ever again. Whether it’s a toxic relationship, an addiction, or just an outright terrible time in your life. I’ve burned quite a few bridges in my lifetime, and those are the ones that I did not go back to. These included toxic relationships and friendships, one of the worst times of my life, and other things. I’m lucky to have been able to cross more bridges rather than burn them.
“A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.”
This is something that I always live by. I don’t really compete with someone for no reason. I don’t put people down just to make myself feel better. There is a time and place for competition, and not all things in life are a competition.
“Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.” Marilyn Monroe
I mean, Marilyn Monroe is my girl. She is tattooed on me, and I don’t care what anyone says, she may have been a whore, but I think she was also misunderstood. I loved watching her (my favorite movie is Some Like it Hot) in her films, and I think she was just a lot little girl in this world. I totally stand by this quote because it’s true. When I wear certain types of shoes there’s a little more attitude and confidence to my step. It’s almost like my attitude changes. This may also be the reason why I have wayyyy too many shoes haha!
“Fix another Queen’s crown without telling the world it’s crooked.”
I cannot stand when women put other women down to make themselves look better. Aren’t we supposed to be empowering one another? Aren’t we supposed to be helping each other out? I’m all for empowering women, I think the rest of us should be too.
“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” Audrey Hepburn
Oh Audrey Hepburn, you classy woman. This quote helped me go through quite a lot. It’s crazy to think what one little quote can do to a person. I may have a bias opinion because pink is my favorite color, but the part of this quote that I love is “I believe that tomorrow is another day” and sometimes, that is what gets me through a day. That part of this quote is what makes me wake up every morning and think today is a new day and it will be better than yesterday.
“All in all you’re just another brick in the wall.” Pink Floyd
First of all if you don’t like Pink Floyd, I don’t think we can be friends (just kidding, but I do love me some Pink Floyd). The Wall was the first song I ever loved by Pink Floyd. My dad used to play Pink Floyd, Nirvana, etc. I think that’s why I’m more into the rock genre of music. I remember seeing the Nirvana CD cover with the baby in the water and was so confused haha. I watched The Wall (the movie) with my dad and it was definitely weird, but now when I look back on it, it makes perfect sense. The song The Wall is basically telling us that we must rebel against the norm, otherwise we just become like everyone else and become a robot. The lyric “all in all you’re just another brick in the wall” reminds me every day to have my own voice, to have my own opinion. I don’t want to be another brick in the wall, and I don’t want to be another robot in the world. Working in an office where it’s routine is already roboty enough for me. I have my own opinion and thoughts on a lot of things.
What are some of your favorite quotes?
Also, I received this jacket, top, and pants as a review from Ethyl, however all opinions are my own. I’m absolutely loving these pants because they are almost like leggings, but feel like regular pants. The tummy control is UH MAY ZING and keeps everything nice and in it’s place. The top is super flowy, so perfect for summer. I wish I would’ve gotten the jacket in a size smaller, because it is a bit big, BUT other than that, I love it and can’t wait to wear it more, when it’s not as hot out.
**Please note I received this outfit, courtesy of Ethyl, however all opinions are my own.
xoxo Monica
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My school quire was tried out for Pink Floyd’s song – but we sounded too posh haha! Great quotes here! xx
Haha, that’s still awesome though!
Gotta love Audrey Hepburn and I love the quote about the flower too. So true. I host a blog link-up every Wed, so if you want to stop by, you’r welcome to link your posts. http://www.thismainlinelife.com
thanks so much for the linkup invite!
Oh I do love a good inspirational quote any day! And such a great outfit, my friend!
Thanks so much! <3
I love your outfit and these quotes are so perfect! I love a little inspiration that can you set in the right direction. We have a monthly girl chat coming up next Thursday and our theme is inspirational quotes, you should share this there! The flower blooming quote has always been one of my favorites. Sierra Beautifully Candid
Aww thanks so much! Also, thanks for letting me know about Thursday!
Great quotes, thse are some of my favs too! The one I am dealing with now is knowing which bridges to cross or burn. Not easy! Thanks, great blog, easy read 🙂
Thank you so much! That is a tough one for me too because I hate burning bridges, but sometimes, when it comes to toxicity, you have no choice.