Bag: Embrazio // Top: Shein // Pants: Old Navy
If y’all recall about a year ago, I did a kickstarter campaign with a company called Embrazio (here’s the post) for their backpack. Well, I wore that thing for so long because it was perfect. I’ve been loving backpacks so much better than purses because they’re more comfortable for me, since I’m a hot mess half the time haha. Embrazio reached out and asked if I could review another bag of theirs; the Borsa bag. I was so excited, and of course I said yes! This one is more of a clutch. So, the straps are removable and there are loops for them if you want to use it as a bag or a clutch. I had to end up using it as a clutch until I repair mine because Lilly (my puggle) decided to get a hold of the bag and chew on the one loop. I was really sad when this happened because I seriously loved this with the strap. I don’t even know how she got the bag, but the little jerk got it. This is one downside of having a dog that has never learned to stop chewing on stuff, no matter how many times I’ve tried to train her.
If you followed along with my Instastories this past Sunday, I used this as a clutch for the wedding I went to. It’s the absolute perfect size. I usually have a hard time with fitting my phone in my clutches because it’s so big, and this fit my phone with a lot of wiggle room. Oh, and for my ladies, it fits multiple tampons! So, basically, it’s the best. And also, side note, the wedding we went to was the most epic wedding yet. It was perfect, and I hope my wedding will be just as epic.
I’m not going to lie, I’m super excited that it’s Wednesday because I think I might finally be ok to relax this weekend. If you read my post yesterday, I basically vented about my current situation. I really give props to the moms/dads out there that come home after work and still have time to cook for their families, and spend time with their families. When I get home, I barely want to cook for the fiancé and me, and I just want to go to bed. Which is why my blog has been suffering a lot since I started this job. I feel really terrible because I LOVE this blog, but since April, this blog has felt more like a burden than enjoyment. I have toyed with the idea multiple times to stop blogging, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. I’ve been typing about life, and my thoughts for over 5 years, and I just can’t stop now. I’ve worked so hard on this, and even made my blog self hosted. I would be really upset to stop blogging, but I may have to slow it down a bit. I thought maybe if I started blogging more often I’d be more inspired to keep going, but I think I’ll have to go back to my minimum of 2 posts a week again. I’m really sorry to be such a bummer lately, and I’m not asking for pity parties (although, thank you to those of you who have reached out or even commented, y’all are the reason I keep going), but it’s just so stressful. Basically, I’m sorry that y’all are suffering with me, with all of these negative posts, but sometimes it just becomes too much. I’m hoping next week will be better 😊.
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Monica, this outfit is so sassy! You are rocking it and I love it! And such a cute classic bag, too. I hate when dressy clutches don’t fit a cell phone! This bag sounds perfect. And I hear you on life getting too overwhelming! I am living it, my friend. And I am completely pooped! Cheers to self care, doing what we need to do, and getting everything else done in between!
Love this cool bag and your chic look! Sometimes we need a break from blogging to take care of ourselves. Slowing down is not a bad idea. I have done that several times. Good luck as your navigate this tough time.
Blogging is a big commitment. Sorry to hear you are getting bogged down with your work schedule. Cool handbag, I’m going to take a look at it.
You’re not a bummer at all. In fact, you encourage and remind me that some times life hits and we have to prioritize and that it’s ok. Girl, sometimes we just have to breathe and take time to recover. You look fabulous, I love the purse and I’m glad you’re sticking around! You’re positively relevant.
You’re not a bummer…it’s life and we all go through it.
Sending hugs and love…
Sometimes you have to do what you have to do! I took a break over the summer because my blog became a chore. It shouldn’t be. If your blogging it’s because you want to! Readers will always be here whenever you post even if it’s 2 days a week instead of 5. Do you and be awesome! =) Best wishes!
Your outfit is seriously adorable! Love the bag! I’ll have to check out the Embrazio line! =)
Such a cute little bag and love that it is versatile. It’s perfect for those days when you don’t want to carry anything! You look so adorable in your two piece outfit though. You definitely rock cropped tops! Honestly I don’t blog all that often and I feel like it’s a lot of work. The once or twice that I do post takes me forever and a day! I would love to do it more but I just have other responsibilities that take priority. You are doing great though for keeping up with it. Listen to your heart and I think you’ll know which way you’d want to go. Either way you choose, I’ll be here for you. Sending big hugs!
Maureen |
I understand completely how you felt. I am glad you did not give up because your blog is great! I love your outfit!
I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well! My hubby and I have been super tired all week too 🙁
so Jules
You look stunning – and get well soon x