Top: MakeMeChic // Scarf: Gifted from Shelbee On The Edge // Pants: LOFT // Shoes: Old Navy (the higher heel is under $20! Click here)
I know that the cliche thing to do is talk about what I’m thankful for because well, Thanksgiving is this week, but I don’t mind being cliche when I give recognition where it’s due. There are a lot of things that I am thankful for, but these are the main things.
My Family
I uploaded quite a few pictures below. Two of the pictures are with my cousin from Poland. He’s here because he’s studying at NY Presbyterian Hospital. He actually let me stay with him and his fiance in Warsaw for a few days this past summer. My parents are of course my family, but I’m also thankful for my newest (well kind of lol I consider the past 4 years new) family; my fiance and our pups. If it wasn’t for family, I wouldn’t be where I am in life today. My parents always believed in me growing up, and then my fiance stepped into the picture and started doing the same thing. The few times over the past year that I told my fiance that I think I wanted to stop blogging, he told me not to. I’m glad he would talk me out of it every time, because he was right when he said that it’s something I’m proud of. My family has always been in my corner encouraging to be my best. I may not agree with them 100% of the time, and we do argue our differences, I cherish them more than anything else in this world. They are my rock. I’m lucky to have such an amazing family, because not all families are like this. I’m also lucky to still have everyone because I know way too many people who have lost those closest to them including parents, and I cannot fathom living my life without my parents or fiance.
My Health
I had a seizure on Thanksgiving last year, and since then I have been seizure free. I hope I don’t jinx myself, but over this past year, I really did focus more on myself and my health than anything else. I was always so concerned for everyone else (and I still am), but I really needed to focus mostly on my self. I felt selfish doing that, but it needed to be done, in order to make sure I continue to stay seizure free.
Food on the Table
Not many people are as fortunate as I am to have food on the table every day. I take that for granted sometimes. When I was younger, when I didn’t want to finish my dinner, my mom would always tell me how there are starving children somewhere who would love to eat that vegetable I hate. She was right. That’s why now that I’m older, I try to eat everything that I buy. I try my hardest not to let produce go bad (even though sometimes it does). I get really mad at myself whenever I have to throw something out, because I have my mom’s voice in the back of my head every time.
Roof over my Head
As much as I hate apartment living, and as much as I hate my particular apartment complex, I am thankful that I have a roof over my head. The AC and heat don’t work half the time, but at least I’m not homeless. I was fortunate enough to also have a roof over my head while growing up. I know that there are kids out there who barely have a roof over their head, or it’s not even a home. It’s a place that they dread going. That’s so sad to me. You should be happy to go home, not avoid it at all costs.
My Mind
I’m thankful for my mind not only because of all of the creative ideas and imagination that I have, but because I haven’t lost it. I joke about losing my mind all of the time, but then I think of my grandpa who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and that is a disease that I never want to experience first hand. I would never want to lose my memories. I could deal with forgetting how to brush my teeth, but memories of my family, and my life? That’s something I never want to lose.
My Blog
This little space of mine on the interwebs keeps me going. I have dreams to one day become a full time blogger (it’ll never happen, but a girl can dream, am I right?). I blog because this keeps me sane. It keeps my creativity flowing, and I get to connect with people all over the world. When I was younger I was not a very out going person, nor was I one to speak my mind. That is, until I got older. That’s when I realized that my voice needed to be heard. My blog is the perfect place for me to share my opinions and my experiences.
My Cyber Friends/Readers
Thanks to this blog, I have met so many amazing people. I have quite a few real life friends that I met through blogging. I actually tend to get along with bloggers more because they get it. My friends just see these beautiful pictures, but they don’t see what happens behind the scenes. They don’t see that this entire blog I built on my own. I edit everything, I write everything, I learned basic HTML for this blog, not just basic MySpace HTML haha! I’m also thankful for the people who come here every day to read my blog. I really don’t like calling those people followers. I don’t know why, but when I call someone a follower (which I have many times, but feel worse saying it each time) I feel like I’m part of a cult, or I feel like I just said a dirty word. I’d rather say cyber friends or readers. If you “follow” me on social media, I still like to consider you a cyber friend.
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xoxo Monica
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I love this post! There is so much to be thankful for in life. I love that you have focused on your health this year and HAVEN’T stopped blogging!
Thanks so much Ruth!
Such a wonderful post!! You and your mom look adorable in your twinning looks!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
xx, Elise
Thanks so much Elise!
Lovely list! It’s so important to give thanks for what we have!
Angela |
Yes, I definitely agree!
What a great post! Some reflection is always good
Thank you!