Happy Valentine’s Day y’all! I hope your day is filled with lots of love, just like any other day. I know I’ve talked about it here on the blog, but I’m not a huge fan of Valentine’s Day. The reason why, is I feel as though it has been too commercialized, and in my opinion I think it’s a way for retailers to make some extra money after all of the returns that happened in January after Christmas. I was never about all of the craziness, and I do believe that your love for someone should show every day, not just on one day of the year. Love isn’t shown in how big of a diamond you get, or a bouquet of flowers, even a box of chocolates. Love shouldn’t be measured on materialistic things like this.
My fiancé shows me that he loves me every day. Whether it’s making me a coffee, watching the dogs so that I can do something as simple as take a shower (they like to follow me in the bathroom, then wait to lick all of the water off when I step out lol), and keeping me grounded when I’m so stressed out that I’m about to implode on myself. Love to me is my fiancé supporting me in my goals, and pushing me to be the best version of myself. Love is having him in my corner to be honest. I’d much rather stay home and watch Netflix in bed with a “cup o noodles,” than go out to a fancy restaurant. It’s just because I’m an introvert. Is it nice to sometimes go out on a date or get surprised with flowers? Yes, absolutely, but I don’t need it to be on Valentine’s Day. I’d actually rather have that happen on any day BUT Valentine’s Day.
I’m not hating on Valentine’s Day, and I know for some people it is a day to look forward to and be excited about going on a date and finally getting a babysitter for the kids so that you can have grown up time, or it’s a day where your SO cooks your favorite meal at home, or maybe you get to hang out with your girl friends who you haven’t seen in weeks because of being a grown up. I think it’s nice to have one day dedicated to love, but on the other hand, people shouldn’t only look forward to that one day to feel loved and appreciated.
What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? Do you like/dislike Valentine’s Day?
Also, it’s time for the monthly Your Own Twist Linkup with my girl Shelbee on The Edge!
xoxo Monica
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Monica, this red dress is so fabulous on you! And I love it with the OTK boots. I am with you on Valentine’s Day…I am not much of a fan myself. And yesterday, my community suffered a tragedy which has further tainted the holiday for me. (I mentioned it briefly at the end of my post today. I don’t need to share the details here.) Have a fantastic weekend, my friend!