I’ve been in a toxic work environment before. Both in retail, and in my “9-5” life. I honestly hate that it’s called 9-5, because does anyone work this shift anymore? Try more like 7:30-5 for me. I wanted to take the time in today’s post and talk about the signs of a toxic work environment and how you can change this environment.
The Signs of a Toxic Workplace
There are many different ways to be able to tell that you’re in a toxic workplace, I mean it’s usually pretty obvious. Here are some of the different ways that I’ve been able to spot this.
Complaints outweighing compliments
Everyone complains about their job at some point. You cannot tell me that you’ve NEVER complained at any job. There is always something that you do not agree with because we aren’t all the same. However, if people are complaining 95% of the time, this is a huge problem. At one of my office jobs, they ALWAYS complained, to the point where I would get sucked into the drama and the bitching and moaning about the job. I did not like what I became after my time there.
Revolving Door
At one of my jobs I told the HR rep in my exit interview, that if something doesn’t change in my department, my position would be a revolving door. If you notice that the job you are working at is a revolving door, this is a sign of a bad work environment. I watched so many people leave and get laid off in that job. It was frightening. They basically cleaned house, just to restock with new people. This creates such an issue when people are trying to get updated on their responsibilities when no one knows what the previous person was doing. A lot of positions are revolving doors because either it’s too much work and management won’t change this, or the team is toxic.
High School
I hate to break it to you (especially if you’re a younger person reading this) but high school NEVER ends. Gossip and immaturity does not end. Cliques still exist as an adult. Unfortunately, this is the honest truth. I hate that it is like this in the world, but this is something you can’t avoid. You can be the juiciest peach in the batch, and there will always be one person who hates peaches. Grown ass adults will see you as a threat, and they will get petty. Sabotage exists, even in a “professional” environment.
Bad/No Communication
Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, you can’t get a good answer, or an answer at all? One big issue that I’ve noticed happens at every job I’ve been at is miscommunications. This is the root of all evil. Whenever there is poor communication, it makes your work life extremely hard. I had clients yelling at me left and right, when I was just relaying a message, or I couldn’t get them an answer because my team wouldn’t give me one.
How do you physically feel?
Do you get sick a lot? Do you feel really fatigued, and just drained? Does your body actually hurt? Do you have trouble sleeping? At my one job I was so stressed out that I developed IBS and was put on medication. I couldn’t even make it 20 minutes away from home before I had to pull over and find a bathroom. Then at another job, I was so tired, I mean saying that is an understatement. I was physically hurting. My body just ached from all of the tension.
Employee Morale
At my one job, I took one look at the employees, and knew morale was low. They looked tired, annoyed, and stressed. Then once I got to talking to people I realized exactly how low morale was. If you see this, especially when you interview, run. This is like a flesh eating bacteria that will consume you too, no matter how hard you try.
Power Trips from Higher Ups
What management needs to understand is, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A BOSS AND A LEADER! Often times people are on power trips. They turn into a boss and not a leader. When you are on a power trip, you don’t realize what you are doing to the people who work beneath you.
How to handle the toxicity/hostile work environment
I’m not going to lie. The one main piece of advice that I would give is to find a new job. However, if that is not possible right away and you just can’t stand it much longer there are a few other things you can do to help with your mental state.
Work Out
Endorphins are no joke, and they can help you feel better. Whenever I work out, I also feel better after a long and shitty day at the office.
Eat healthier
Take control of your health and start treating your body like a temple. You won’t have that afternoon crash, and you will feel more energized, which in turn, will help you feel more positive.
Now, I know if you’re anything like me and have trouble sleeping when you’re stressed, then I know this step is highly unlikely. However, there are many remedies and nighttime routines that include teas that can be drank before bed and it’ll help you relax and sleep.
Pick up a hobby
One of my old coworkers actually did this. He was having a tough time at work so he took up a hobby that was physical labor and it was something he enjoyed. He was able to make things with his own two hands, and create beautiful pieces of art. This helped him get through the days, because any time that he was going to the shop, that’s what he looked forward to all week. Of course it sucks once that fun time is done, but then you can look forward to the next time.
Associate with other people at work
Start finding people at work who don’t feel into the drama. It’s ok to complain here and there about your job, but if you find someone who doesn’t feed into the BS, then you’re golden. Find people who don’t gossip, and find people who aren’t about cliques. I’m also a loner, so I’d rather have no buddies in the office and sit at my cubicle for lunch than deal with nonsense.
After reading this post, have you been part of a toxic work environment?
xoxo Monica
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Monica, this is a really great post and a wonderful topic for discussion as I know it for sure effects so many people. I have left many jobs in my past due to the level of toxicity and how it was damaging my health. Thanks for shedding some light on a important topic. Life is way too short to be miserable in your job!
Yes, agreed! I feel like too many people feel like they’re stuck because it can be a great paying job, or has really good benefits. However, is that really worth your sanity and your well being, along with the well being of your friends and family.
Wonderful post – I have pinned it! …. Indeed, in my working years, i did my time in toxic environments. Where this is applicable for me today is where I’m living ;-