Now a few Mondays ago I talked about how to not gain the “Relationship 15” as I like to call it. In today’s post I wanted to go over why it’s healthy to have date night. I feel as though date nights are more of a mental healthy, than anything else. Too many couples that I know nowadays don’t go on date nights. I understand that we all get busy and some of us don’t have the financial means to go on a date night, but here’s the thing, you have to be willing to do something new. If you don’t have the financial means to be able to go out somewhere, how about now that it’s lighter out longer, go for a walk/hike and watch the sunset while eating a picnic style dinner that you prepared yourself. Date nights don’t always have to be going out to some fancy restaurant or even going to a franchise restaurant.
Why is Date Night Healthy?
Let’s be honest, as soon as you become an adult and have responsibilities life automatically gets stressful. You have a full time job, now you’re in a relationship, and maybe you even started a family and have kids. I feel like the general consensus that I’ve heard from my friends and family is that you’re life completely changes when you have children. This is one reason why I don’t want children because I’m already stressed out enough, I can’t imagine adding a mini human to the mix. A lot of parents are with their children all the time, that they can’t go out for some adult time. Find a sitter and go on a date! You need time to feel like you’re on a date again. You need to dress up and have butterflies like you did on your first date. If you don’t have children and you’re just dealing with the responsibilities of being an adult, or you have a very stressful job, you need some time with your significant other. When you go on this date, don’t talk about work, or the kids, or anything stressful in your life. Talk about your goals, your dreams, and positive things.
Sometimes we lose our way of communicating. It’s so easy, especially with the technology that we have today to not be able to communicate properly. Make a pact that when you go on your date night, you will both put your phones away. Don’t go on social media the entire time. If you have children then of course keep your ringer on in case your sitter calls you. Learn how to talk to one another again. As we get older and things change, we as people change as well. We evolve into a different version or ourselves, so make sure that you never lose track of being able to communicate. Communication is key in a relationship. Without proper communication the relationship is BOUND TO FAIL!
Honeymoon Phase is NOT Over
A lot of people like to talk about the honeymoon phase, and how it’s just that; a phase. You may not get as nervous around your significant other as you did in the beginning, but you should still be as excited to be with each other as you did when you first met each other. You may not go out as often as you used to because now you have other responsibilities, but the happiness and love should always be there. Going on a date night every once in a while will remind you of how it used to be.
This is a big issue with a lot of married couples. We all see it in movies and TV, about how married couples always say that they do not have any intimacy in their relationship anymore. This is no excuse for cheating, unfortunately this is what starts it for many couples. It’s the sad truth, and no matter what your intimacy or lack of, this should never end in cheating. That’s just my personal opinion. Date nights oftentimes increase the intimacy with a couple, whether it’s physically or mentally. Maybe being on a one on one date will increase your mental intimacy and you’re able to let your significant other into your mind. Maybe this will help you feel closer to your SO in order to confide in them in thoughts that have been lingering in your mind. Whether these are good thoughts or bad. Maybe this will help you confide in your partner and say “hey, I want to quit my job and pursue this, what do you think?”
Breaking Routine
Most of us have a routine. Unfortunately, this is what makes our lives extremely boring. If you live the average adult life, you wake up really early and go to a job that you really hate but it offers really good benefits and pay, you sit in traffic going to and from work, you come home from work and you eat dinner, watch a little bit of the show that you watch every night and then go to bed and repeat all of that for 5 days a week. Then on the weekends is when you run errands, you drive the kids to and from soccer practice, or you finally fix that leaky faucet in the bathroom. All of the sudden, boom, your weekend is over, and the rat race starts all over again. You make just enough money to drive your average cars, and have your average house. Some people are fine with the standard because it’s safe, while others yearn to live an above average life. Now, because most of us live such a routine, spicing it up a bit and going on a date is perfect to bring something new to your life.
Ideas for a budget friendly date night
Sunset Hike
If the both of you are somewhat remotely active or if you just like going outside, a hike that ends with a picnic dinner, or even cheese and wine, while watching the sunset before you get in your car and go back home, would be perfect for you. This way the date is creative, and budget friendly because you will be bringing dinner with you.
Let’s say that both of you aren’t really night owls, and you like to eat dinner early, or you may even like to do a lunch, a picnic would be perfect for you. You can set up in front of a beautiful body of water like a lake or pond, or just somewhere in a park. You can go all out with the typical picnic blanket and basket as well.
Couch Fort
Ok, now if you’re a kid at heart this is definitely for you. This is something that I’ve been wanting to do with my fiance but I’m terrible at making couch forts, so I can’t really surprise him with a date night like this. That, and our dogs would destroy it trying to come into the fort too. However, if you’re really good at couch forts, please let me know how to make a REALLY good one!
Have a “Date Night Jar”
If you really want to go on a date night to a fancy restaurant, and do the whole shibang, I highly recommend starting a little fund. Add your lose change to a jar. Every week each of you add $10 or more to the jar and by the end of the month you’ll have a minimum of $80. Now, I know that’s not a lot if you want to go all out, but you can always add more once you’re on the date. At least you have an $80 budget to start with.
I know that this wasn’t really about physical health, which is what Motivation Monday started out as, but this is still in the health related. It’s to make sure you have a healthy relationship. Let me know if you have any other fun ideas for date night!
xoxo Monica
I agree with you Monica. Date nights are very important. Unfortunately, even for my hubby and I, it’s been a rare occurrence. I am not comfortable leaving my son with a stranger so unless my parents are in town, we don’t go out. Of course, that doesn’t mean we don’t spend time together. It just means we make due with what we can. For example, my son is very active so we take a walk to a park near us. While my son runs off to the swings and slides, my hubby and I can watch him from a distance and talk or just enjoy each other’s company. I love your date night fund jar. That’s a fabulous idea!
Maureen |
See, I know some people who won’t leave their kids EVEN if their parents are willing to babysit. I just feel like sometimes a date night is definitely much needed. Even if it is just a quick little thing that doesn’t involve dressing up and going to a fancy restaurant.