In today’s Monday Motivation series, I wanted to show different bodies throughout history and what was considered beautiful at that time. I feel like we are so stuck in society’s standards that I wanted to talk about the different eras and also show you some terribly photoshopped photos of myself haha! In my defense, I have been busy and rushed so I didn’t send as much time on the photoshop as I really should have. This was amateur editing for sure, but it works, I guess haha. I wish that one day we can just be happy in our own skin, and not follow what society tells us is beautiful. If you take a quick look at all of these pictures, these are the bodies of many different women out there in the world. At the end I talk about my own body, and a little more about this topic.
I’ve been working on being more body positive and being confident in my own skin. That’s one of the goals I have for 2019.
1920’s Boyish Figure
In the 1920’s, we all think of The Flapper. The body type of this ideal woman has no cleavage, and has a body very similar to a boy. It’s very straight up and down, with no curves, and no meat on her bones.
1950’s Hour Glass
When we think of the 1950’s, we think of Hollywood glamor, 50s pinups, and Marilyn Monroe. The ideal body, was Marilyn Monroe. The hour glass. Big chest, small waist, and big hips/legs. This was beautiful back then.
1990’s Super Skinny
I’ve also seen this called heroin skinny. Basically, so skinny, that you almost look sick. This was the grunge era.
1990’s-early 2000’s Supermodel
All of the sudden, Supermodels hit the scene. Their ideal body was a bigger chest, and a small body.
2019 My Body
I’m not saying that my body in particular is perfect, however, it is perfect for me. Just like your body should be perfect for you. My body is a body that has been through a lot. It has been in and out of hospitals. It has been beaten up by my seizures. It has prevailed. It has taken me through college. It has struggled. I am proud of this body. I am able to fuel it, and take it to levels that I didn’t know existed. It is my temple.
I encourage all of you to look at yourself in the mirror and call yourself beautiful. We are ALL beautiful. I’m so sick and tired of seeing the memes of women saying that real women have curves, or for a girl to go eat a burger. You do realize, the size that we are doesn’t make us any less of a women, right? You do realize that, the beautiful thing about women is that we are all different. I myself have been different sizes over just the past few years. When I lost all of that weight I had many people telling me things like “you know that guys like a little more meat on girls bones right?” Or, “maybe you should eat a burger and stop working out so much.” I also got the occasional “you don’t want to look like a guy right, by getting those muscles?” Then when I was heavier, I was suspected to be pregnant because of how big I had gotten in a short period of time. I was called fat by someone. The reason I’m writing this, is because it doesn’t matter what size or shape you are, it will always bother someone. BUT, why should that bother you? Why should you wanting to become a healthier version of yourself (regardless of if it’s working out and eating healthier, or a healthier mind by not restricting yourself).
xoxo Monica
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Amazing idea to show yourself “over the years.” YES to the body we feel most comfortable in.
Thank you so much!