Disclaimer: This post is NOT sponsored by Smartwater, I am using a picture from an older sponsored post that can be found here.
If you knew me back when I was a Beachbody Coach (so happy I’m not one anymore), you would know that I was constantly talking about staying hydrated. I know that this isn’t the first and won’t be the last time that you are reading about the importance of staying hydrated. I’ve read all different types of things about staying hydrated and the amount that you should drink.
The average is 6-8 glasses a day. However, I’ve also read that it depends on the person. Some people need to be more hydrated than others. Which makes more sense because we are all different. There is also a calculation out there where you take your weight and times it by 2/3’s to figure out how many oz you have to drink. I used to drink a gallon a day. Some people I know can’t even get one glass down a day, which is crazy to me because I would be way too thirsty.
Did you know that your body depends on water to survive? Your entire body depends on water to help it digest food properly, remove waste, maintain it’s temperature and help with keeping your joints lubricated. There are many different fruits and vegetables that also contain water to keep help hydrate you, for example watermelon, however there is one issue; sugar. The amount of sugar and calories in these fruits doesn’t help in keeping you from having a higher calorie intake.
People are always asking me how could I possibly drink so much water? Well, I’ve grown up drinking water. So, for me, it’s a little easier. What I have found, are ways to make sure you are drinking water, if you aren’t an avid water drinker.
- Always have a bottle with you. It doesn’t matter if it’s a plastic bottle you bought at the store, or a refillable bottle. As long as you have one with you, it makes it easier to make sure you’re filling it up.
- Cant remember to drink water? They make water bottles out there that have timers, and they light up when it’s time to drink a little bit of water, BUT, this can be a little bit much for some people. In that case, set a timer, or make sure to drink a specific amount of ounces every hour.
- Don’t like the taste of water? Put fruits in it. The best one is lemon, but some people also put strawberries, cucumber, berries, etc. in their water for a little extra taste.
- If you’re feeling a little hungry, drink some water. Sometimes we are actually thirsty instead of hungry. However, you really have to understand your body to be able to tell the difference between the two.
If you are dehydrated, there are a few signs to determine this.
- Little or no urine.
- Your urine is more yellow than usual.
- Thirst. This is one of the super obvious ones.
- Fatigue.
- Headache.
It’s extremely important to stay hydrated. What are some ways that you stay hydrated?
xoxo Monica
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This is such an important message! I am always hounding both my husband and son to drink more water and while my son does it automatically. My husband is still a work in progress. It’s not that he doesn’t like the taste, he just doesn’t feel the need to drink water. Like you, I drink a lot of water. Aside from coffee in the morning or late afternoon, water is my beverage of choice even when going out. I can’t stand feeling thirsty and normally feel lethargic when I don’t get enough. Aren’t our bodies amazing?!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
I’m the exact same way. I noticed that when I don’t drink enough water, I can’t make it through my normal workout. When I am fully hydrated, I can take on the world during that workout haha.