If y’all have not been following along on Instagram for the past week, or haven’t read any of this week’s blog posts, you may not have heard that I went to Georgia last week with a company that I freelance for. I’ll go more in depth about the trip next week, but for today’s linkup post, I’m showing off my Thanksgiving outfit. This year, I’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving with my fiance and parents in our home here in Florida. I know that it will be super casual, so I wanted to keep it chic, but casual. I figured nothing says casual more like this Karl Lagerfeld sweatshirt. I probably won’t be wearing shoes inside the house, but if I was, I’d definitely turn to my converse. I’ve been keeping my fashion super simple and casual lately because well, when you’re as busy as I am, it’s hard to keep up with all of the new trends. I miss being able to sit down and check out a fashion magazine in peace and be able to find pieces like the ones I see in the magazine for a better bargain. Now, my wardrobe seriously contains more tshirts than I ever thought I could own, and half the shoe collection I used to have.
Ever since moving to Florida, I’ve kept my wardrobe on a strict budget, and well my life in general has been on a budget. Back when we lived in Jersey, I would go shopping all the time because I had the extra money to spend. Now, after moving, and wanting to get my savings back under control, it’s been living life on a budget type of a deal. It’s crazy what a move on the opposite side of the country can do a person haha. It’s shown me to live a much simpler life.
Anywho, moving on to the linkup!
xoxo Monica
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I do deClaire // Elegantly Dressed & Stylish // Glass of Glam// Shelbee on the Edge
I love your cool easy look for Thanksgiving! I have been keeping my daily outfits crazy casual lately, too. Comfort is key! Enjoy your holiday with your parents!