The coronavirus and MLMs gone wild!
To be completely honest, I never thought in a million years that I would be writing a post like this. If you read the title, MLM reps are using the coronavirus to not just sell their products, but to also pitch their business opportunity. Americans Against MLMs has the steps of how to report/file a complaint for health claims within the MLM industry. You can find that information here. One thing that really irritates me, is that due to undue influence, these MLM reps are under a trance. With that being said, they will do just about anything their uplines or companies tell them to do. In turn. the MLM company won’t get in trouble, because their fine print says they basically don’t have control over what their reps say or do. MLM reps, who may already be in debt from their MLM can get hit with a lawsuit, and the MLM company will not defend them.
While pitching essential oils, vitamins, and supplements in a time like this is very disgusting (for lack of a better word), there are many flaws in what these reps are talking about. At the end of this post I will link my latest video regarding this topic which is a two part series with my friend Savy. Let’s dissect all of this. I do also apologize for the extra sass instead of my usual devil’s advocate type of tone, however this has me feeling a certain type of way.
This is NOT the best time to start a business
Here is a screenshot from an MLM rep that one of my followers had sent me. I will be honest in saying that I was not shocked to see this happening. There are many issues with a post like this, so let’s break it down a bit.
- This is the worst time to start your own business (and I mean legitimate business, but they like to call themselves business owners too). Small business owners will suffer during these times as well.
- A lot of companies are allowing their employees to work from home.
- Some people I know have already lost their jobs due to the pandemic, which means they do not have disposable income to purchase items, and this will most likely happen to a lot of people, so they won’t even be able to make money from shilling these sub par MLM products.
- Why would the public be purchasing products that they do not need? At this point it’s time for just the necessities.
- Trying to sell your essential oils and vitamin supplements is just downright scummy to do. Even though that’s not what this particular rep is selling (she’s most likely with Paparazzi since they are known for “$5 bling”), a lot of other reps are using this time to pitch their bullshit.
- If people are under a quarantine, I highly doubt they are going to be buying from outside sources at the thought of a possible contamination.
“Scared of a virus but too scared to start your own business.”
I won’t repeat what I said in my previous bullet point of a rant, however the same thing applies here. Unfortunately, this is a pandemic. This isn’t just the common cold, where you show up to the office coughing in your cubicle and people keep spraying Lysol at you. I would also like to add, that no one gives a shit about you having to cancel your child’s birthday. You should be happy to cancel it because you have no idea what germs or viruses the kids or parents are carrying. In this case you should be trying to protect your child at all costs. When she talked about how this virus only affects the elderly, diabetics, and people with compromised immune systems, it got me thinking. Those people matter too, why are you trying to make it sound like they don’t matter?
Snake Oil for the win!
Apparently essential oils are the answer to everything nowadays. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe there is a time and place for essential oils. I personally cannot handle them because of my heightened sense of smell, they give me a migraine. However, I highly doubt essential oils are going to save the day. If that were the case, every doctor would be recommending it because no matter what you think about big pharma, at the end of the day it is a doctor’s duty to treat you.
It truly breaks my heart
It’s very disheartening to see so many people trying to capitalize on this issue. I know it’s happening outside of the MLM industry as well, I mean I’ve seen people selling a roll of toilet paper for $8. However, the fact that these MLM reps are using this to sell their products and business opportunity is frustrating. People are already reporting individual reps for what they are doing. What these reps don’t understand is that THEY are liable, not the MLM company. If they think that the MLM company is going to defend them if they get hit with a lawsuit, they are HIGHLY mistaken. The MLM company will say they have no control over what their reps do. It’s so sad to see how so many women that are most likely in debt, can possibly end up in more debt because of possible lawsuits.
Stay safe out there everyone!
Some great resources if you’re looking for a more in depth analysis of the anti MLM movement:
The Genetically Modified Skeptic (he’s not strictly anti MLM, but the anti MLM content he has is top notch and his wife, Taylor, is creating her own anti MLM channel)
Betting On Zero Documentary (on Netflix)
Also, if you’re interested in any anti MLM merch, or Youtube merch to help support my channel and my mission check it out here. There are plenty of other styles, but the below is just a photo of a few things.