Hello everyone. I’ve been very absent here on my blog, and I’m so sorry for just leaving y’all high and dry. I’ve been experiencing some medical things lately, and didn’t want to stress myself out over posting on my blog. Then on Monday, I ended up in the ER for most of the day, and while on the way home from the ER, someone rear ended me. All I wanted to do was go home and rest, and that just didn’t happen. I’m ok, and my car is driveable, there’s very minor damage, but I’m getting it looked at just in case something else happened because I do have a custom exhaust on my car. What I found out as well, was just how terrible highway patrol is here in Florida. The first officer on the scene was just driving by and he was great, he was the best out of all of them. He stopped immediately and made sure everyone was ok, then the other officers came that were actually dispatched. Those officers were the worst along with the paramedics.
Both the officers and the paramedics said that there was absolutely no damage to my car (oh, we’re body shop technicians now *insert the rolling of my eyes*), and were, in a way, trying to get me to not file a police report. Which, I’ve never even heard of. If you have a tiny fender bender in a parking lot in Jersey, an officer is going to file a police report. Well, according to these officers, only one officer has the authority to write up reports. To be honest, I think this was all bullshit. We waited for close to an hour for this officer to show up. When he came to my window, he had the same comment of, well I can’t really file a police report because there’s no damage. At this point I got very very very aggravated, especially after the day I had, and I said I want a police report, I don’t care what you think, and if you need to call it in to whoever is your boss, do it. He did, and if you’re new here, this is the third time I’ve been rear ended within the last few years. I drive in a lot of traffic where apparently no one pays attention to the road.
On top of all of this, several weeks ago, a company that I made a video on sent me a 14 page document threatening to sue me if I didn’t take my video down. I normally wouldn’t take the video down and I’d fight it because they had absolutely NO case, but because of everything going on currently, I wouldn’t even have time to show up in court. So, I did take the video down, BUTTTTT, I made a video about that video haha. Yes, I was petty. I read parts of the document (not all 14 pages don’t worry lol) and provided portions of my previous video with the information that the company said was inaccurate, that matched up what they said in their document. This company is very sue happy and likes to say anything that is a slight critique of the company is defamation. I’m going to leave the video below for your viewing pleasure so we can laugh together, and after that will be the link up. Thanks for sticking it out with me for those of you who came back to my blog today and didn’t just forget about the linkup.
Wow! What a week you’ve had. I sure hope it gets better.
Sounds like a very tough time. I’m so watching the film later today. hope everything settles down for you xx
Oh my gosh, Monica, what a freaking nightmare of a week! I am glad you are okay despite all the aggravation and medical issues going on. Sending you lots of positive vibes, my friend! I am going to watch that video later on today!
So sorry about your accident. Hope you are feeling better now. Thanks for the link up!
Sorry, you had the accident and didn’t get the help needed. I do hope everything settles down for you.
Take care xx