Well, we are at that point in the year where we say goodbye to 2022 and hello to 2023. I dropped the ball last week and forgot to post my super adorable Christmas look, but I did post it on Instagram (click here to see it). This is the first time that I forgot to post my Christmas outfit and round up the previous years, but it’s been extremely hectic this year. My in laws are in town and we’ve been trying to spend as much time together as possible. It’s been so nice to have family here for the holidays, since this is the first time in three years that we’ve been with our families. I’m going to look back on last year’s post where I wrote down goals for 2022 and see if I achieved them!
Dress: Target // Purse: Gifted from my mom // Boots: Doc Martens
This was my top goal last year, and I did write, that it’s a given but she’s my top priority and will be for the rest of my life. While I still wonder if I’m being a good mom, and I’m sure I’m doing some things wrong, I will say, I think I’m going a pretty decent job. It’s been challenging, but I know I’m doing the best job I can. Some days are better than others, but this is really with anything. We celebrated her first birthday, and it’s been so fun to watch her grow and develop into this tiny little human. I definitely have my hands full, but I wouldn’t trade this for the world. Being a mom has been the most challenging and fulfilling thing in my life. If you’re a new mom, or just a mom that is struggling, I hear you. I posted a reel the other day that talked about my Postpartum Anxiety and if you’re struggling, know you’re not alone.
Dress: Target // Purse: Gifted from my mom // Boots: Doc Martens
I definitely took some time off. Last year I wrote that I’ve been comparing myself to other new moms and it affected my mental health. I took time off when I needed it. There were times where I was more active than others, and just recently I kind of got back into the swing of things, but I don’t compare myself. I unfollowed a lot of accounts that weren’t helping that situation. It might sound a little over dramatic to some people, but if it helps your mental health I recommend it. There were accounts I also had to unfollow because they talked about chronic illnesses and even death, which was starting to make me panic about any little thing when it came to Scarlett.
It was unhealthy for both of us and for my husband who had to get phone calls every day about a new thing I read about. If you’re a new mom or just a mom in general, take time off when you need it. Don’t feel bad or feel guilty if you’ve strayed away from people, because we all need time to ourselves, and sometimes just focusing on yourself, while it may sound selfish, is what you need to do. If family or friends get upset that you don’t text them back, they need to understand that as a mom we get overstimulated and having to deal with certain things just isn’t healthy for our mental health. If that’s being selfish, then I was definitely very selfish this year, and I’m ok with that.
Dress: Target // Purse: Gifted from my mom // Boots: Doc Martens
I actually did get back into creating more content towards the end of 2022. September was when I really focused on my Youtube content, and October through December have been very consistent, minus one week where I was on the Dr. Phil show. However, I think taking a week off to catch up after that was fine. I’ll also be taking off the first week of January on Youtube, and I’ll be taking the month off here on my blog. I’ll be back for the monthly Your Own Twist Linkup with my friend, but I’ll have a month long linkup posted next week for y’all!
Youtube has been my main focus for the past few years because I came to really love editing and just creating videos. Although, my blog will always have a special place in my heart because of my love for writing. I may not be an author or even good at writing, but I truly love it regardless.
Dress: Target // Purse: Gifted from my mom // Boots: Doc Martens
This has been a rollercoaster of a ride this year. Some days are better than others. There are days where I love my body, and then there are days where I hate it. It’s been a love hate relationship I guess you can say. My husband did get me a peloton for Christmas, and after getting sick two days ago, I haven’t ridden on it, but before that I’ve been very consistent since getting it. I absolutely love my peloton and I’ll recommend it to anyone. I haven’t tried too many different workouts, but so far cycling has been my favorite, but in 2023, I want to test out some of the other workouts on there.
With my new journey, I’m not looking to just lose weight, although I have to lose at least some because my joints can’t handle this extra weight. In addition to losing enough so that my joints don’t hurt, I look at working out as my self care time. It’s my “me time.” Working out can be 15 minutes-45 minutes a day of making sure I take care of my body. I won’t be going on any crazy restrictive diet. If you’ve been here for a long time, you know I’ve tested out so many diets just because I used to love testing out the fad diets to see what all the hype was really about. This time around, I’m just focusing on living healthier, not binging, and eating certain things in moderation. Although, the holidays don’t count haha! I’m eating whatever I want right now.
Dress: Target // Purse: Gifted from my mom // Boots: Doc Martens
- Be as present in the moment as possible. I’ve made it a goal to live in the moment. Of course I’ll still take lots of pictures of Scarlett because she’s freaking adorable, but social media will take a back seat. I’ll still post on social media especially when it comes to sharing my outfits, my journey into motherhood, and my Youtube videos, but I want to spend less time scrolling at the end of the day. This Christmas was actually the perfect example. While we have a lot of pictures of Scarlett opening up gifts, my husband took all of them without me even asking because I was living in the moment. I want to do more of that in 2023.
- Stay consistent with my Peloton. So far I’ve done really well with this, minus the last few days of being sick. However, as I already said, I absolutely love my Peloton and I think I’ll be able to stay consistent.
- Heal myself. What I mean by this is not just healing my body, but also healing my mind. Postpartum anxiety took over my life this past year, and I’m ready to just start living and healing myself. I lost myself this last year, so I’m ready to find myself again.
- Just be a good mom. This will probably be a goal every single year just because I really want to be the best mom possible. Mistakes will be made and I know I won’t be the perfect parent, but I can get as close to that as I possibly can.
Monica, I love this adorable pink outfit on you! So fun! I want to remind you that self care is never selfish and so you definitely have not been selfish by taking care of yourself and your needs! Momming is hard work especially during the first few years. I also have to throw in my yoga bit for joint pain! Just 15 minutes a day of some easy yoga stretches has practically eliminated all of the joint pain I experienced postpartum. So if you can fit it in…you can even do the yoga stretches in bed either right before you get up or right before you fall asleep. I swear it has changed my life for the better in so many ways but primarily pain relief. I wish you all the best in the new year, my beautiful friend.