1. What is my song of the week, hmm. That’s a little difficult for this week. I have been jamming out to so many songs lately but I know I have to pick just one. I guess let’s go with my go-to classic song; Walk the Line by Johnny Cash. I don’t think I will ever get sick of this song or any other Cash classics.
2. My parents come home tomorrow! Y’all really have no idea HOW EXCITED I AM!!!
3. Getting some of my pictures back from my photo shoot last week. That picture up there is a little sneak peek. I cannot wait to show everyone my pictures.
4. Countdowns. 9 more days until I see my blogger sister Ellen and 28 more days until I go back to the motherland, aka Poland. Can you tell I’m super giddy like a little child?
5. Maleficent comes out today! I was always told I liked the weird movies and weird princesses as a child. I liked The Wizard of Oz, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and The Nightmare before Christmas. My mom actually took the last movie away from me because she thought I was going to have nightmares. Anyway, getting off topic, Maleficent comes out today and you have no idea how excited I am for this movie and even more excited to go see it on Sunday!