Who is Monica Hayworth?
I am an ex career woman (the typical corporate “9-5”), turned business owner in her 30s, who happens to also love fashion/lifestyle blogging and creating anti MLM (multi level marketing)/lifestyle content on Youtube. I’m also a mom to one human baby and two fur babies. I started this blog in 2010, but only blogged for a few months because life got in the way (I was also in school getting my MBA), so I stopped. I revamped back in 2013, and the rest is history. This blog started off as a creative outlet, and a place where I could share my every day outfits, especially being part of the stereotypical corporate America world. That job was very mundane and routine, so I needed something to spice things up a bit. It has now turned into more of a lifestyle blog, where I share parts of my life, my thoughts, and even some recipes.
I’m a NJ native, who just so happens to be a Polish American. My parents are fresh off the boat (literally). I grew up in a Polish household, which means as soon as you step foot in our door, it’s like you’re in Poland. Back in 2012, I moved my 24 years of my life to Texas in the back of my VW Jetta, which is where I rescued Lilly, my puggle. Even though I ended up moving back to NJ, Texas has a piece of my heart. So, in case you were wondering, that’s where the name for my blog came from.
I’m also an epileptic. I was diagnosed in 2005, and have lived with epilepsy ever since. My blog and channel are filled with my stories, along with ups and downs of living with this condition. In 2014, my fiance and I re-met (we’ve been friends since high school and friend zoned each other for 10 years). We later rescued Zero, our tiger pit. In 2019, my fiance and I decided to take a huge step and move to Florida in order to open our family business (it was a CBD business where we had our own brand and store), and since we moved, we opened up a second business which is our auto shop. In 2019, I also relaunched my Youtube Channel, where I talk about anything anti MLM (multi level marketing) related, along with life content. Whether it’s story times or some advice I want to put out in the world. I went onto Youtube in September of 2019 to share my story, and it turned into the channel that it is today. As of 2019, I also started writing for a site called A Girls Guide to Cars, which has been a huge step in creating more content.
This is my best friend and husband. We are both really into cars, which is why our second family owned business is our Auto Shop. He’s also the guy behind the camera taking all of my pictures. We have known each other since high school, however we friend zoned each other for about 10 years until we finally realized, hey we should probably date. We’ve been together ever since and got married on Halloween of 2020.
This is Lilly Savannah who is 9ish years old. I adopted her in Texas in 2012. The shelter and every vet I’ve gone to has said a different age for her. She was used at a puppy mill, and left on the side of the road to, well, use your imagination. A good samaritan found her and took her to the local shelter. I went into the shelter looking at another dog, however once I saw Lilly (her name was Snookers at the time), I knew she was the one. I immediately told the volunteer that I wanted to take Lilly home and they were quite shocked. She had, had multiple litters by this point, and she had what I like to call utters that were stretched out so much they never fully “shrunk.” It looks like she is severely over weight most of the time, however she has a lot of extra skin.
This is Zero the hero who is 5 years old. She is the goofiest dog you will ever meet in your life. All she wants to do is love every single person. She’s a terrible guard dog. Zero will attack you with love and kisses, and that’s about as dangerous as she gets. Ever since adopting her, I’ve seen just how many comments and eye rolls pitbulls get. It has been really discouraging to see her so sad when she wants someone to pet her and they immediately judge her by her appearance. If she’s taught me anything, it’s to never judge someone by their appearance and to give people chances. We gave her a chance, and it was one of the best decisions we had made.
In memoriam: Kuba age 14 July 14, 2005-July 31, 2019
This is Kuba. He passed away recently and we still have not been able to get over his passing. When I was 18 I was diagnosed with epilepsy which I have been very vocal about here on my blog and my Youtube channel. My parents got him for me for my 18th birthday to lift my spirits and help me get over my diagnosis. He acted as a therapy dog without ever having the proper training. I know that therapy dogs go through extensive training, but for Kuba, it came naturally. He ended up liking my mom the most (she won him over with human food and treats lol), and when my fiance and I moved to Florida, he stayed behind with my parents. He was also a great therapy dog for Lilly. He taught Lilly that no matter how life and your situation are, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Kuba taught Lilly what it’s like to be a dog with a loving home. We will forever miss this little ball of floof.
Thank you for reading and if you’d like to support me a little bit more to help me run this blog or my Youtube channel, I do have a Patreon, where the lowest tier is only $1.
Y’all come back now, ya hear?